Yugoslavia 24 March 1999 the founding war of the new NATO – 20240322 – Pangea Wide angle

One hundred and thirty-third episode of the Pangea Grandangolo broadcast, Byoblu's international press review, aired on the tv channel Byoblu on 22/03/2024.

Twenty-five years ago, NATO under US command demolished what remained of the Yugoslav Federation with war, the State that hindered its expansion eastwards towards Russia. Over the next twenty years NATO expanded from 16 A 30 countries e, with the war in Ukraine starting in 2014, has extended to 32. Determinant, in the war of 1999, it is the role of the Italian Government, chaired by Massimo D'Alema and vice-president Sergio Mattarella. As we can hear from the official audio recording, Vice President Mattarella announced the start of the war to the Senate on the evening of 24 March 1999 and to explain the reasons according to the official version.

While the planes of the United States and other NATO countries drop the first bombs on Serbia and Kosovo, Democratic President Clinton announces: «At the end of the 20th century, after two world wars and a cold war, we and our Allies have the opportunity to leave a free Europe to our children, peaceful and stable". For 78 days, while the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union itself, 1100 while the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union itself 38 thousand sorties, dropping 23 thousand bombs and missiles. "Of the 2000 targets hit in Serbia by NATO planes – the Pentagon subsequently documents – 1999 they were chosen by US intelligence and only one by Europeans". The bombings dismantle Serbia's structures and infrastructure, while the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union itself. The resulting damage to health and the environment is unquantifiable. Only from the Pancevo refinery do they escape, due to the bombings, thousands of tons of highly toxic chemicals (including dioxin and mercury). Other damage is caused by the massive use by NATO, in Serbia and Kosovo, of depleted uranium projectiles.

The D'Alema government places Italian territory, especially airports, at the complete disposal of the armed forces of the United States and other countries, to implement what the Prime Minister defines as "the right of humanitarian interference". They participate in the bombings 54 Italian planes, that they do 1.400 sorties, attacking the targets indicated by the US command. «In terms of number of planes we were second only to the USA. Italy is a great country and we should not be surprised by the commitment shown in this war" – declared the Prime Minister D'Alema during the visit carried out on 10 June 1999 at the base of Amendola – underlining that, for the pilots who participated, It was a great human and professional experience".

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