July 2022

Liquefied Natural Gas is a beast when it comes to hazards and especially fires and explosions

We report extracts from the article LNG plant had history of safety issues before explosion on the risks of Liquefied Natural Gas. Article by Francesco Cappello Original source: https://www.francescocappello.com/2022/07/13/il-gas-naturale-liquefatto-e-una-bestia-quando-si-tratta-di-pericoli-e-in-particolare-di-incendi-ed-esplosioni/ 13 July 2022 by Francesco Cappello Here are some excerpts…

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Let's listen to the CEO of OLT thinking of Piombino. We discover that Livorno will also have liquefied gas storage deposits in its port

Various considerations listening to the words of Giovanni Giorgi, CEO OLT OFFSHORE LNG TOSCANA. Article by Francesco Cappello Original source: https://www.francescocappello.com/2022/07/12/ascoltiamo-lad-di-olt-pensando-a-piombino-scopriamo-che-anche-livorno-avra-depositi-di-stoccaggio-di-gas-liquefatto-nel-suo-porto/ 12 July 2022 by Francesco Cappello Says Giovanni Giorgi [GG]: La FSRU OLT al…

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Rock squeezing technique to obtain gas to liquefy. According to the Cingolani phenomenon, liquefied gas would be the gas of the ecological transition

According to the phenomenon minister Cingolani, liquefied gas is the gas of the ecological transition. E’ really so? Article by Francesco Cappello Original source: https://www.francescocappello.com/2022/07/11/la-tecnica-di-fratturazione-che-secondo-il-fenomeno-cingolani-permette-di-pensare-al-gas-liquefatto-come-al-gas-della-transizione-ecologica/ 11 July 2022 by Francesco Cappello Before speaking, more in the…

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