The «Corona Hoax», The Proliferation of Racial Riots. Towards a Military Lockdown?

By Peter Koenig

 Friends – These riots are not coincidentally happening in more than 140 US-cities at the same time and now spreading to Europe.

They are planned and funded by Soros & CO. See article for more details – and short [2min.]  video testimony – right here

The plan is the next lockdown – but perhaps in addition to a new and planted viral lockdown – a MILITARY LOCKDOWN – Martial Law, suspending all civil, human and constitutional rights.

It is high time to wake up NOW – before it is too late.

See also this video from Argentina (in Spanish), where people stand up for their rights – and where people are fully aware of what is going on. = cgXdG6EQ5NQ& .

We have to move out of our comfort zone – and act by peacefully but MASSIVELY protesting against our co-opted governments’ actions before it is too late. Our western governments do not present the interests of their people – they are committed to the tiny absurdly rich elite that is about to install a One World Order or a New World Order – a dictatorship, where national sovereignty is a thing of the past, and where what’s left of our ‘democracy’ is outright washed down the drain – before our stunned eyes.

The devastating evil movement is advancing fast — while we are still contemplating our next overseas holidays that may not take place as a result of the corona fallout – forget vacation! 


Peter Koenig

The «Corona Hoax», The Proliferation of Racial Riots. Towards a Military Lockdown?
(3 June 2020)

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