US nuclear attack bombers arrive in Europe of the virus

Manlio Dinucci

Due to the Coronavirus, American Airlines and other US airlines have canceled many flights to Europe. However, there is a US "company" that, The other way around, increased them: La US Air Force. In recent days it has "deployed a task force of B-2 Spirit stealth bombers in Europe".

The US European Command announced it from Stuttgart, the European Command of the United States. It is under the orders of a general, currently Tod D. Wolters of the US Air Force, who at the same time is in charge of NATO forces as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe.

The US European Command states that the task force, made up of an unknown number of bombers from the Whiteman base in Missouri, «The 9 march to Lajes Field in the Azores, in Portugal".

The B-2 Spirit strategic bomber, the most expensive plane in the world whose cost exceeds 2 billions of dollars, it is the most advanced US nuclear attack aircraft.

Each aircraft can carry 16 bombe termonucleari B-61 o B-83, with a maximum total power equivalent to over 1.200 Hiroshima bombs.

Due to its conformation, of its coating and its electronic countermeasures, the B-2 Spirit is hardly detectable by radar (this is why it is called "invisible plane").

Even if it has already been used in warfare, for example against Libya in 2011, with high-powered satellite-guided non-nuclear bombs(it can carry 80), it is designed to penetrate through enemy defenses and carry out a surprise nuclear attack.

These bombers, precisa lo US European Command, "They will operate from various military installations in the area of ​​responsibility of the United States European Command". This area includes the entire European region and all of Russia (including the Asian side).

This means that the most advanced US nuclear attack bombers will operate, from bases in Europe, close to Russia. Reversing the scenario, it is as if the most advanced Russian nuclear attack bombers were operating from bases in Cuba close to the United States.

The purpose pursued by Washington is clear: increase tension with Russia by using Europe as the first line of confrontation. This allows Washington to strengthen its leadership over its European allies and to guide the foreign and military policy of the European Union, in which 22 Gods 27 members belong to NATO under US command.

This strategy is facilitated by the crisis caused by the Coronavirus. Today more than ever, in a Europe largely paralyzed by the virus, the US can do what they want. This is confirmed by the fact that they transfer their most advanced nuclear attack bombers there with the consent of all European governments and parliaments and the European Union itself., with the complicit silence of all the major European media.

The same silence fell on the Defender Europe 20, the largest deployment of US forces in Europe since the end of the Cold War, which the media only talked about when the US European Command announced that, because of the Coronavirus, will reduce the US soldiers participating in the exercise from 30.000 to an unspecified number, while maintaining "our highest priority goals".

In the framework of a real psy-op (military psychological operation) various "information" bodies, Also in Italy, they immediately lashed out at the "hoaxes" on Defender Europe 20  E, through social media, Word has spread that the exercise has been virtually canceled.

Soothing news, reinforced by insurance, data dallo US European Command, that "our main concern is to protect the health of our forces and that of our allies". Precisely by replacing an unspecified number of US soldiers in Europe with an unspecified number of US nuclear attack bombers, each with a destructive power equal to more than 1.200 Hiroshima bombs.

(the poster, 17 March 2020) 

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