Tam Tam of war

Where the next great war will be fought?


"For more than a hundred years, the US has guaranteed a free and safe Europe through two world wars up to today's cold war (..) to defend stability and peace in the region "

War preparations
Announced, by the European command of the United States (ME WITH), the largest deployment of forces in Europe. An exercise is planned according to the logic of militarization increasingly pushed to the borders with Russia. At the center of the viewfinder, the US was born Russia and China. The extraordinary NATO exercise -
Defender Europe 2020 - provides for displacement, in the spring 2020, of 20 thousand US troops, 20thousand pieces of equipment shipped from the United States, as well as 13 thousand withdrawn from prepositioned stocks, and European troops for a total of 37 thousand soldiers e 19 NATO countries involved; will take place in the territory of 10 of them including Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Georgia.
Lieutenant General Charles Flynn said, Deputy Chief of Staff of the US Army:
DEFENDER-Europe 20 is a great opportunity to demonstrate the unrivaled ability of the US military to rapidly project its forces around the world while operating alongside allies and partners in multiple contested domains

Involved the ports of Antwerp (Belgium), Blissingen (Netherlands), Breendern Haven (Germany), Palviski (Estonia). They will be held between April and May. The logistics center from which the exercise will be coordinated will be Germany but the German government has criticized the US plans. For the German Left this is a 'new planned provocation'. The escalation of war tension with Russia is worrying, In particular, Alexander Neu of the German Bundestag who urged Berlin to refuse participation in the exercises and not to allow them to take place on German territory, stating that these exercises will increase tensions with Russia, further complaining that: “The concepts of de-escalation, peace and disarmament no longer exist in NATO language”.

It deals with, indeed, of the largest exercise since the end of the Cold War, the third in only 5 years after Trident Juncture 2015 E 2018.

The enlargement of NATO to the East has led to the need for adaptation and subsequent fine-tuning of the internal lines of communication. The exercise aims to verify the ability to quickly transfer war power to the borders with Russia. The troops, indeed, they must be able to move quickly over distances that have now reached i 2500 km from their presidia in the heart of Europe, to the northeastern flank of NATO, on the shores of the Baltic Sea, and to the south-eastern one, on the Black Sea.

Experimentation of new military technologies equipped with artificial intelligence is expected, hypersonic and robotic weapons.

The need to prepare to respond to a possible Soviet invasion is openly alluded to.

"Conducting a tough and realistic exercise together with our allies and partners in Europe improves professional relationships that create mutual trust and increases our interoperability, readiness and ability to collectively deter potential threats“. This was stated by Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli, Commander General of the US Army Europe..

The world order, emerged in the aftermath of the second great war, which had seen the affirmation and exercise of the imperial hegemony of the United States, today it is cracked by the leading role of emerging global superpowers including the major ones, Russia and China, along with others, they are the architects of a new multipolar order that has already questioned even the hegemony of the dollar as the only international reserve currency and the only currency to mediate commodity exchanges on global markets.

The exercise will kick off a new "Defender" series, which will be conducted in the Pacific in alternate years, to prepare for major movements in both regions. The exercises aim to make the national defense strategy operational, which affirms Russia and China as close adversaries, at par.

As can be seen, those five casus belli situations envisaged by the Providing for the Common Defence .

Geopolitics, resources and energy transition from fossil to renewables Venezuela, Iran e Russia (FOR), which have the largest reserves of hydrocarbons in the world, are China's largest fossil fuel suppliers. The latter, which has only coal on its territory, meanwhile it is preparing with a government plan for the transition energy to renewables which will make it energy self-sufficient by 2050, allowing it to produce the 90% of world electricity from renewable sources. Investments are planned for an amount equal to 50 trillion dollars in 30 years! It is to be thought that it is no coincidence that VIR countries suffer punitive embargoes aimed at isolating them from world trade. In particular, for Venezuela and Iran, these economic sanctions aim to arouse popular discontent, which in turn can be exploited from the outside for the purpose of political destabilization. Under the pretext of safeguarding human rights, these processes have led to interventions in the form of real "humanitarian wars". This is how those military conflicts which in recent decades have led to the dismantling of entire nation states have become legitimate, acting against the self-determination of peoples and their autonomous control (sovereignty) on its own resources (chaos theory). There is one reason to suspect that countries like Iran do not like the existence, with their sovereign currency,
architects of their national policy and with full control of their natural resources, managed in full autonomy; a condition that avoids its exploitation by foreign multinationals.

If on one hand, military propaganda declares its commitment to defend and protect Europe, on the other hand, US sanctions also affect European companies (the Austrian OMV, the French Engie, the German Uniper, Wintershall, the Italian Saipem, the British-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell) engaged in the completion of the North Stream 2. The pipeline increases, indeed, the dependence of Europe on Russian gas. The works are aimed at doubling the pipeline by choosing the sea route (the Baltic Sea) avoid crossing all those countries now linked to NATO.
If you then remember that in the 2014 the SouthStream pipeline had been ditched by the joint action of the Obama administration with Juncker's European Commission, what happens today, in the new regime inscribed in the Aachen treaty, Gives, significantly, the extent of the changes taking place in relations between the EU and the US, who had also signed, just a year ago, in 2018, the “Joint Declaration on US-EU Strategic Cooperation” which included the energy sector.

In this context of gas pipeline war (as defined by M. Dinucci (1)), between the EU and the US, Defender Europe exercises will take place 2020 on the border with Russia.

on background, on the one hand the doctrine of First Strike AtomicThe, which intends to make operational the threat of a sudden nuclear attack capable of paralyzing the enemy's response capacity and intercepting the residual one with interceptor missiles (space shield in Poland and Romania) and on the other the American elections of 2020 con Michael Bloomberg, candidate who will use his enormous financial power to achieve the goal of replacing Trump and move with more determination than his predecessors towards the great war.

(1) from the Manifesto US Strategies and Our Costs in the M gas pipeline war. Dinucci 22 December 2019

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